Frequently Asked Questions.

How to Use Your Weekly Coupon Code

Once you have completed your shopping, click on View Cart on the Shopping Cart icon on top right corner of the website. This will bring you to your shopping cart. Select Use Coupon Code. Enter the coupon code, and select Apply Coupon.

Please pay attention to the terms and conditions of the coupon code to ensure that you have met the requirement for redemption.

How to Redeem Your Reward Points

Once you have completed your shopping, click on View Cart on the Shopping Cart icon on top right corner of the website. This will bring you to your shopping cart. Select Use Reward Points. Enter the amount of points that you would like to use, and select Apply Points.

How to Use Gift Voucher

Once you have completed your shopping, click on View Cart on the Shopping Cart icon on top right corner of the website. This will bring you to your shopping cart. Select Use Gift Voucher. Enter your Gift Voucher Code, and select Apply Voucher.

Avoid Buying Cheap Cream Whippers Made in China

Price differences in whippers are directly indicative of the quality in both the manufacturing process and the parts involved. This contrast in quality leads to significant distinctions in both appropriateness of use and safety:

  • The use of cheaper parts coupled with a poor level of quality control results in weak metal and brittle plastic. These parts are far more susceptible to breaking and issues like threading
  • There is no internal coating of the whipper, voiding it’s suitability in the use of food preparation or repeated use. This leaves the whipper susceptible to rapid bacterial build up
  • Whippers designed from these companies are done so from a poor initial design, and are carried out by companies with little to no experience and knowledge of the field. This leaves the consumer/end user vulnerable to the aforementioned issues, whilst also presenting concerns involving warranties, refunds and repairs

Though we understand that the choice of whipper purchase is ultimately the customer’s; we urge all potential buyers to exercise caution and diligence in regards to the possibility of purchasing cheap Chinese made cream whippers.

Mosa Cream Charger is Filled with Small Amount of Gas or Gas Not Dispelled Properly

It is extremely rare that Mosa Cream Chargers contain a small(er) amount of gas, or that the gas fizzles out or is lost. Mosa Cream Chargers are subject to stringent quality control, including two stages of extremely specific electronic weight measurement. If the weight is off by even the smallest margin, the Mosa Cream Charger is discarded and rendered not suitable for sale. The gas used in each charger is also consistent, and not of varying strength or potency. It is very likely that this is an issue with the whipper, either through wear and tear as the result of frequent use, or incorrect usage. Even with a new whipper, concentrated frequent use will see various issues manifest with the piercing pin and seals. The piercing pin is subject to blocking when moisture within it becomes frozen from frequent use. Not inserting Mosa Cream Charger in an upright position can also be problematic.

Mosa Cream Whipper will not Dispense

Firstly, it is important to ensure that correct usage is employed by carefully following the manufactures instructions and guidelines. Even with a new Mosa Cream Whipper, concentrated frequent use will see various issues manifest with the piercing pin and seals. The piercing pin is subject to blocking when moisture within it becomes frozen from frequent use. If however, faults ensure even when guidelines and instructions are adhered to, then Mosa Cream Whipper is subject to repair or replacement, as covered by the one year warranty afforded by Ezychargers Pty Ltd.

How Much Thickened Cream do I Use per Mosa Cream Charger

One Mosa Cream Charger whips up to half a litre of thickened cream. Two Mosa Cream Chargers whips up a litre of thickened cream.

How Many Mosa Cream Chargers can I put in a Mosa Cream Whipper?

  • One Mosa Cream Charger for Mosa Cream Whipper 0.25L
  • One Mosa Cream Charger for Mosa Cream Whipper 0.5L
  • Two Mosa Cream Chargers for Mosa Cream Whipper 1.0L

Mosa Soda Chargers Are Not Making the Water Fizzy

Please ensure that correct procedure is followed as presented by the instruction sheet. Once the Mosa Soda Charger is dispensed into the Mosa Soda Syphon, shake for 20-30 seconds, and allow to sit for approximately five minutes. This will ensure adequate carbonation is met. For best result, please use icy water and allow to sit for at least 20 minutes.